
The Properties of Plywood


The Properties of Plywood

We experimented a lot to create the perfect kind of plywood for our wooden glasses and sunglasses. With properties such as flexibility, stability, and a light weight, we knew that it would be the ideal material for Nina Mûr Eyewear.


We simply needed to find the right way of construction and we never gave up. Now here we are, holding a beautiful pair of wooden glasses in our hands made from our own plywood.


In the 30s this wonderful material received a lot of attention from great designers such as Alvar Aalto or the Eames couple. With an innovative approach they set a mile-stone for the construction of plywood. Furniture made from this special kind of wood is still in high demand today.


Their experience helped us a lot when we started to manufacture our own.

Thanks to the way we make our plywood, we create a very strong yet light foundation ensuring the highest quality, flexibility and durability for our wooden glasses.

Watch this video of the process of making Nina’s plywood! 😉

[outofthebox dir=”/NINA_MUR_WEB/MP4/GENERAL/PLYWOOD_MANUFACTURING” mode=”video” downloadrole=”all” mediaextensions=”mp4″ hideplaylist=”1″ linktomedia=”1″]

We take the opportunity here to thank Enmanuel Nobel (father of the famous awards) for having investigated the juxtaposition of successive veneer to create this superior product from natural wood: plywood!

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